No of FTEs involved in storm water management $s spent on storm water management |
Lead Indicator– measures performance that will eventually impact on a lag indicator |
Input Indicator – measures what resources are used to produce the output |
% of storm water emergencies responded to within 24 hours – Target 100% |
Lead Indicator – measures performance that will impact on another lag indicator |
Output Indicator – measures timeliness in the delivery of the service storm water management |
Customer satisfaction with the delivery of storm water services |
Lag indicator– measures end result of previous actions |
Outcome Indicator – measures results achieved from the output at the strategic level |
Strategic Plan Outcome – Storm water drainage that is environmentally friendly and meets service standards |
Input measures - No of FTEs and $s spent are lead indicators as they measure performance and will eventually impact on how the storm water services are being delivered. They are also input measures as they describe the amount of resources being used in the delivery of the service.
Output measures - % of storm water emergencies responded to within 24 hours is also a lead indicator as this will also impact on a future lag indicator (what the customer thinks of the service). It is an output indicator as it measures timeliness of delivery of the service and the effectiveness of service delivery.
Outcome measures - Customer Satisfaction with the delivery of storm water services is a lag indicator because it is measured after the event and is also an outcome indicator. It measures the impact in total of the other measures and indicates how well the Organisation is doing in achieving its Strategic Plan Outcome related to storm water management.
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Last revised: September 04, 2018