The Quick Action Search area can be used to search for and locate any action you want within the system, regardless of which business unit it’s in or who is responsible for the action.
STEP 1: To access the 'Quick Action Search' page, go to Tools > Quick Search > 'Quick Action Search'.
The quick action search page will then load and actions in your system will be displayed.
You can filter the records using the filters which are given on top of the page. These include the dropdown lists for 'Search by', and 'Related Plan'. Also, you can use the 'Hide Completed' tick box to exclude the completed actions from the selection.
This page allows sorting by clicking the column headings. For example, clicking on the 'Last Change' column title will sort the items from oldest to newest.
Also, you can enter a keyword in the text boxes under the column headings and hit ENTER on your keyboard. The system will list all actions that have the matching title.
STEP 2: You can also navigate directly to the action detail screen by clicking on the action title hyperlink.
STEP 3: To update, select one or many items that you want to update by ticking the check box on the left and click 'Action Quick Update' to move to the Action Quick Update page.
In addition to the Action Quick Update, executives can provide their comments for an action.
STEP 4: To update executive comments, select an action and click the 'Executive Update' button which will direct you to the quick executive update area. However, only users with executive permissions will be able to modify this data.
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Last revised: September 04, 2018